After gastric sleeve surgery, certain foods and activities are typically restricted or limited for a period of time. This is done to preserve the effects of the surgery, which reduces the stomach size to a smaller tube-like shape, and to support the recovery process. Here are some things that are generally prohibited or limited after gastric sleeve surgery:

1. Overeating: After gastric sleeve surgery, it’s important to eat smaller portions since the stomach size has been reduced. Overeating can diminish the effectiveness of the surgery, lead to digestive issues, and make it harder to achieve weight loss goals.

2. Sugary and high-calorie foods: Sugary and high-calorie foods can lead to weight gain and hinder the post-operative weight loss process. Therefore, the consumption of sugary beverages, desserts, sugary snacks, and fatty foods may be limited or completely prohibited.

3. Carbonated beverages: Carbonated beverages can cause bloating and discomfort in the stomach due to carbonation. Additionally, excessive gas can distend the stomach and affect the weight loss process. Therefore, the consumption of carbonated beverages is generally restricted or not recommended.

4. Alcohol: Alcohol can be high in calories and affect weight loss goals. Additionally, there may be a lower tolerance for alcohol due to increased sensitivity of the stomach after surgery. Therefore, alcohol consumption may be limited or completely prohibited during the post-operative period.

5. Overly spicy and fatty foods: After surgery, there may be increased sensitivity in the stomach, and overly spicy and fatty foods can lead to digestive issues. The consumption of such foods may be limited, or attention may be paid to consuming them in appropriate amounts.

During the post-operative period, it’s important to follow a nutrition plan determined by a dietitian or doctor, taking into consideration the individual’s specific needs and health condition. This plan is tailored to support the individual’s weight loss goals.

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