The amount of weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery can vary greatly from person to person. Because each individual’s body composition, lifestyle, metabolism, and weight loss goals are different, it’s difficult to provide a specific figure. However, generally, weight loss may be more pronounced in the first 3 months after gastric sleeve surgery.

In the initial months, weight loss is typically faster because the post-operative dietary regimen is restricted, and the stomach volume is reduced. This necessitates eating smaller portions and consuming fewer calories. Additionally, metabolism may accelerate in the post-operative period.

Within the first 3 months after gastric sleeve surgery, individuals commonly lose an average of 15 to 25 kilograms. However, some individuals may lose more weight, while others may lose less. The process of post-operative weight loss depends on how well an individual adheres to their dietary habits, exercise routine, and the instructions provided by their doctor.

Post-operative weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery generally continues at a sustainable pace. The initial period of rapid weight loss in the first few months usually transitions into a slower pace. Although the amount of weight loss may decrease during this period, steady progress in losing weight can be maintained.

The process of post-operative weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery should be supported by making permanent changes to dietary and lifestyle habits. Following a healthy diet plan, engaging in regular exercise, and adhering to the recommendations of the doctor and dietitian are crucial in achieving long-term weight loss and weight maintenance.

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