Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy or vertical gastrectomy, is a surgical method used in the treatment of obesity. Below are listed the reasons for gastric sleeve surgery:

1. Severe Obesity: Gastric sleeve surgery is used to achieve weight loss in individuals with a BMI of 40 or higher, who are severely obese. In this case, other methods of weight loss have not yielded successful results.

2. Obesity-Related Health Issues: Severe obesity can lead to a range of health problems. These may include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease, joint problems, metabolic syndrome, and depression, among others. Gastric sleeve surgery can assist in improving or managing these health issues by promoting weight loss.

3. Failure of Other Weight Loss Methods: Conservative methods such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes are typically the initial steps in obesity treatment. However, for some individuals, these methods may prove ineffective in achieving significant weight loss. Gastric sleeve surgery can help these individuals achieve more sustainable weight loss.

4. Management of Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes: Gastric sleeve surgery can be effective in managing metabolic diseases such as metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes. Post-surgery weight loss can reduce insulin resistance, regulate blood sugar levels, and improve metabolic health.

Gastric sleeve surgery can assist in managing obesity-related health issues and improving overall quality of life. However, the decision for surgery should be made by a specialist considering factors such as the individual’s health status, level of obesity, and other relevant factors. A thorough assessment and counseling process is necessary before the surgery.

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