Nutrition is a crucial factor after gastric sleeve surgery. In the post-operative period, smaller portions should be consumed due to the reduced stomach volume. Here are some basic information regarding post-gastric sleeve surgery nutrition:

1. Liquids and Soft Foods: In the first few weeks after surgery, it is advisable to prefer liquids and soft foods. Liquids, especially water, soup, milk, yogurt, and fruit juice, should be prioritized. Soft foods may include pureed vegetables, fruits, yogurt, soft cheeses, and boiled eggs.

2. Eat Slowly: It is important to eat meals slowly and chew them thoroughly. This aids in digestion and enhances the feeling of fullness.

3. Protein Requirement: Protein is a crucial nutrient in the post-operative period. It contributes to tissue repair and the healing process. Focus on protein sources such as lean meats, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and tofu.

4. Vitamin and Mineral Intake: Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is important after surgery. Your doctor or dietitian may recommend supplements based on your individual needs. Pay special attention to nutrients like iron, B12 vitamin, calcium, vitamin D, and folic acid.

5. Portion Control: Portion control is important after gastric sleeve surgery. Choose small and frequent meals. Avoid snacks between meals, and opt for healthier options instead of calorie-dense snacks.

6. Adequate Fluid Intake: Adequate fluid intake is crucial in the post-operative period. Water should make up the majority of consumed liquids. Avoid alcohol, carbonated beverages, and sugary drinks.

Individual nutrition needs vary, and the post-operative nutrition plan should be tailored individually. Therefore, it is important to work with a dietitian after surgery. A dietitian will help you create a personalized nutrition plan to meet your specific needs.

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